Context and aims of the inter-regional mission

Context :

After the flooding events of October 2015 in the Alpes-Martimes Department (South East of France), an action plan was dedicated for the mediterranean arc.

The French Minister of Ecology decided to organise a yearly campaign of sensibilisation allowing to explain the involved phenomenons and to prepare the life saving elements for citizens.

Such a campaign is carried out every year from the first of September to the middle of December in order :

  • to develop a real risk culture ;
  • to be prepared to face the events ;
  • to involve all the stakeholders of prevention ;

In June 2017, the Prefect of the South safety area decided the creation of an inter-regional mission which is dedicated to prevention of the flooding in the mediterranean arc.

This mission has strong links with the civil safety authorities, the 4 concerned regions and the 23 departments exposed to rapid floods, and the territorial collectivities.

Aims of the inter-regional mission :

The aims of the inter-regional mission are :

  • to reinforce the inter-regional coordination to apply the national policies ;
  • to subscribe the action in the long term ;
  • to assist the services and the territorial stakeholders to improve the performance of the practices and the tools for flood prevention ;
  • to assure a zonal coherence in the operations ;
  • to favorise an inter-ministerial work involving synergies between all the stakeholders

More details in the presentation :

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